Monday 6 June 2011

The Crewdson Shoot

Seattle has seens it's fair share of zombies, what with the walks and ZomBcon. But last night Zombies invaded again, this time at the Luna Park Cafe, as first year students from the commercial photography class at Seattle Central Community College took over the Cafe on Sunday night, and stayed on until the small hours this morning all for the sake of just one photograph.

Production still from the shoot.

The assignment given to the class was to create a single photograph in the style of art photographer Gregory Crewdson whose often surreal photograophs are elaborately staged depictions of American homes and neighborhoods.

His work, which can sell for over $100,000 per image, involves a large crew, and complex elements that are intricately staged and lit.

To emulate his style the class chose the cafe and the concept of a zombies attack in this year's attempt at 'The Crewdson Shoot', that all first year students undertake.

The survivors are holed up in a cafe and the zombies are trying to break in the front door.

Looks like a Class A 50's Z-Movie to us and we can't wait to see the results.

See the full story at West the Seattle Herald.

1 comment:

  1. i really like the way you move mmmm
